Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What's Happenin!!

Hey y'all! I can't believe it has been a month since I posted!  Sorry about that!  I know I owe you all a few posts, one about our car situation! And one about our house including pictures!  Unfortunately neither of those are happening today!!  A few months ago we took a day trip with our new friends to Luxembourg & so I also feel that I owe you all a post on that trip as well!

Today, however, I just wanted to make sure you all knew we are still alive!

Let's see where to begin! Since the last post my "little" brother turned 19 & finished his first year of college! I am so proud of him! He is so much like his big sister I mean whats not to be proud of! Hehe!

We got a new car after some issues arose with the first one we bought.  I won't get into that now, but I promise a post all about that situation soon!  Trust me it needs its own post! LOL!

I believe Easter happened too!  We had a great day!  I cooked a ham & for the first time ever I made my Grams' infamous cream potatoes that she only ever made on New Year's & Easter so it felt a little more like home at least for me!  They turned out pretty good, though no where near as good as when she made them!  I also have a new found respect for this particular dish as I never realized just how much work went into them!  I also made green bean casserole, we had bread of course, corn on the cob(that didn't cook all the way and was still cold when it was time for dinner!) and for dessert...banana pudding!  When I was little it seemed that my mom would make great banana pudding for Easter & Christopher had never had "Yankee" banana pudding before!  It isn't really called "Yankee" banana pudding but the only banana pudding he has ever had has been from the south where it is only one layer of pudding, bananas & wafers with a meringue on top.  Mine was several layers of pudding, bananas, wafers & of course Cool Whip!  He liked it & was surprised at how different it tasted!  My friend Julie had come over a few days before Easter & we colored eggs!  So when her & her husband came over on Easter for dinner she brought some devilled eggs with bacon in them!  Oh My Goodness!  They were so yummy!  We finished up the evening with a fun game of Taboo!

I finally got my European Drivers License!  I barely passed the test but I knew Christopher was going to be going TDY soon & I didn't want to be stuck at home while he was gone!  I was really intimidated to drive at first but I just took a deep breath, baked out of the driveway & hoped for the best!  It wasn't bad at all!  Though I am still a little intimidated by the Autobahn!  I haven't gone very far just on base which is about 5 or 6 miles from our house & Church which is about 20 miles away maybe.  It has been so nice to be able to run errands & not have to wait for Christopher to get home after he's had a long day at work!  I got some independence back & it was so liberating to have one less thing to have to depend on my husband for!

Christopher went TDY to Romania for ten days.  It was hard to be here by myself but I kept myself busy!  I went on base everyday I think!  Walked around the huge exchange & the bookstore & went to the gym & probably spent too much money! LOL  I had the pleasure of having lunch with Chris' supervisor & his family on the two Sundays he was gone!  I ran into them at church after the service on the first Sunday ( I had no idea they went to the same church!) & then again at the exchange food court after we left church so I sat down & had lunch with them!  The next Sunday they called & invited me to come with them out to eat again & I did!  They are such a sweet family!  I started a garden. Well, I started digging up the area that used to be a garden but the landlords put down grass seed in the fall so I had to dig up all the grass.  I got about half of the are done so I decided that is how big my garden is going to be this year!  I dug it all up, put down some compost & am planning on planting later this week.  I also started "Spring Cleaning" our house!  I know we just moved in but we have so much stuff still unpacked & I figure if we have lived without it for 6 months we must not need it that bad!  So I have been going through all of the still packed boxes and trying to unclutter our lives & home!  I went yard-saling for the first time in forever with my friend Julie!  I bought a bookshelf, 4 paintings, a grill & a lamp for $25 & 20euro! It was so fun I can't wait to do it again!

The day before Christopher came home I started getting sick. BOO!! Then of course he got sick & the 5 days he had off when he got back we spent together in the living room being sick, sleeping & watching movies & aching & coughing & being completely miserable! Which brings us to Saturday!  Not much has happened since then!  So are all caught up!  This was a really long one & my fingers are cramping now! LOL  Happy Wednesday!

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