Friday, July 6, 2012

Our House part 2

Up, up & away! The sleeping quarters!! ;) like I said yesterday we are still in the process of hanging stuff up so you may notice some of it sitting on the floor by where it is going to be hung! All the walls are concrete so it isn't as easy to hang stuff otherwise I woulda been had dat done!! Lol! Ok here is what you first see of our upstairs on the landing.

And I'm really not sure why but red is everywhere in this house! Straight ahead into the guest room!

Upstairs bathroom & our crazy hole-in-the-front toilet!

The view down the hall from our bedroom. Bathroom would be on the right before the stairs & guest room on the left past the cabinet.

Our bedroom notice the red curtains! I don't get it! That is a doorway out to a balcony.


Our closet don't mind the sorted laundry on the floor!

The view(s) from our balcony since you can see the whole yard & sides of our house! First is straight out the door into the backyard. 2) looking straight down from the balcony; the back door going into the winter garden. Plus, a little glimpse of the gorgeous roses that span the width of the winter garden! 3) to the left a view of our driveway to the street. Notice the oil spot on the driveway :( that's from our first car. 4) right side of the house & 5 is also the right side of the house out towards the street.

Thats it for upstairs! Basement is next along with a brief history ofour house which i find very interesting!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE it! Especially that winter garden :) I'm so excited that you're getting this experience!