On our first wedding anniversary we didn't have much money. I was on bed rest from a hip injury so we couldn't do much anyway. It was on a Saturday & the weather forecast was crum! So we pulled the mattress off the bed in the guest room & brought it into the living room. Got cozy & settled in to watch movies all day(we do not have a TV in our bedroom so it was easier to bring a mattress into the living room than move the TV!) We watched Love Story, Fireproof, Dirty Dancing and An Affair to Remember! It was a great day! We made plans to go to Outback for dinner so I had not gone grocery shopping to have anything to make for dinner. Well then as soon as we were about to leave the house the bottom fell out of the sky & we didn't want Outback bad enough to deal with it! So I went to the pantry! All we had in our house to eat was 2 boxes of Kraft Spirals Mac-n-cheese, a pack of Hebrew National hot dogs, & some condiments! There may have been some other things like tortilla chips & salsa too but not much!
That is when Anniversary Pie was created! Now, I'm sure i am not the first person to come up with this either but I cut up the hot dogs into bite size pieces & cooked them with the noodles in boiling water & followed the directions for the mac-n-cheese until it was done. When everything was mixed together I added some ketchup & mustard to the mix too since my logic is that's what would go on a hot dog(I know all my Illinois/Chicagoans Ketchup doesn't belong on a hot dog but some people like it;)) mixed it all together added some salt & pepper & bam had Anniversary Pie! It is actually really good & has become a tradition for us! So now every year on our anniversary we have anniversary pie for dinner & watch a romantic movie together! It's not really a pie but that's what we came up with to call it! And decided that no matter what every year this is what we will do on our anniversary! So in years to come & we have children they can celebrate with us too!
This year Hubby had the responsibility to decide what movie we watch. He did really good too! He came home with The Notebook & told me that he thinks that it is the greatest love story ever!! Of course I cried at the end but we snuggled on the couch & spent our anniversary with Noah & Allie & one of our favorite traditions!
The following Saturday we took a day trip to France which was so much fun, but that is a whole other post all it's own! I will be back soon with that one! This weekend I hope to get the car post finished so you can finally hear the story! LOL Stay Tuned!
On the bus getting ready to head off to France for the day!
Have a great & safe Memorial Day weekend! Happy Friday! Cheers!
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