I haven't posted in a long time and I apologize. Life has been kind of crazy & I feel that it is time to tell the world what has been going on. I started this blog so that our family & friends could keep up with us while living overseas so since I invited you all into our lives I feel I need to update you on everything.
For those of you who know we want to thank you for your kind words & prayers & support over the last few months & weeks.
On August 28 Christopher & I found out that we were going to be parents. So much love & joy immediately filled our hearts! We went to the doctor on what should have been my 10 week visit on October 1 and was told that our baby was only measuring at 6 weeks & the very confident Cpt told us that our dates were just off & there was nothing to worry about & to come back in 2 weeks. Of course we were nervous but we prayed & prayed & God gave us peace & reminded us that no matter what He is in control & has a plan.
Our babies picture from our visit! She was just a little sprout!

Then on October 11 I woke up to a little bit of bleeding. I carried on with my day in a peaceful manner thinking because it was so light that it was normal & everything was fine & my mom was visiting & it was her birthday. Then at 4:30am on October 12 I woke up to horrible cramping pains. (After I described them to the dr he said they were contractions)I tried to get comfortable again convincing myself that everything was fine until 6am when they were not getting any better & I was getting scared from googling my symptoms. I woke Christopher & we agreed to go to the ER. After they ran a bunch of tests & did several ultra sounds the dr came in to tell us that I was having a miscarriage.
Our baby stopped growing around 6 weeks, which was a week after we discovered that she was in there. What I was experiencing was my bodies natural way of pushing her out.
We had plans to go to Amsterdam for the weekend & I really wanted the distraction so we left the hospital around noon, came home & packed then got in the car & drove to Amsterdam. It was a wonderful distraction & one of the funnest & prettiest cities I have ever been to! Then on Sunday October 14 she passed.
Some people may wonder how we could have went out & had a good time while such an awful thing was happening and my response would be this.
God makes the ultimate decisions. There was nothing that we could have done to save her and honestly it would have been selfish of us to think that we could or even want to change the outcome. We look at this as a blessing and some people may argue & think that is an awful thing to say but let me explain.
It was a blessing because God chose us to carry his Angel. God chose our baby to go straight to heaven & not have to ever know any of the evils of our world. God has a plan & through this journey Christopher & I have grown stronger & deeper in love. We don't question Gods will we thank Him for blessing us with that baby even though it was for such a short time. We know we will see her again & until then she gets to be with my Grams & Gramps & all of our friends & family members that we have lost & miss so much!
We believed from the very moment we found out that our baby was a girl and her name was to be Abigail Grace Yates. Rest in Peace my little one mommy and daddy love you so much and we will see you again.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." ~Jeremiah 29:11
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