Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Oh Tuesday you always surprise me!

So my morning started off like this:
I put the creamer in the coffee pot instead of my cup & the morning was blanketed by this dense creepy fog.  Although I woke up to my husbands phone call it was not a great start to the day!  It was 7:30 & I wanted to go back to bed & start over! 

 But then God turned it all around! All of my kiddos cancelled for today so I suddenly had a free day all to myself!  Then my plans to have lunch with my girlfriend I haven't seen in a couple months that were cancelled the day before were uncancelled!  So Courtney & I & her beautiful Lily girl had lunch at Chili's on base where our entree came before our appetizer & before Lily's meal!  It all tasted good so we didn't really mind!  

After that I took advantage of what turned into a beautiful sunny forty degree day & walked around the block to my friends house to bring her some things for her littles to hopefully help them feel better.  When I got home I put my jammies back on & camped out on the couch ready to take a nap when I got a call from one of my stateside besties who I haven't talked to in about a month!!  About an hour or so later her little had to get ready for her play date/music class so I decided to try my hand at napping again!  

Well then my computer just happened to be right next to me & was blowing up with notifications so I just had to get on facebook too see what it was all about!  It was all about our life group gathering being cancelled tonight due to sickness & events going on!   So I now have a free night too! 

 As I am trying for the third time to take a nap I get a Skype call from my hubby!  So I got to look at his gorgeous face for about an hour while we made some baby decisions!  You know the important ones like what colors & furniture should we use in the nursery!! And I was told we could not name our son(if it is a boy because we are waiting for birthday to learn the gender of our nugget!) Sky Walker Yates!  I thought it was pretty BA but hubby was not going for it!  I mean in my opinion that would just give our kid an immediate place at the cool table...No?  Anyone with me?  Anyone?

At this point it is about 6pm & I am thinking about what to make for dinner since napping is obvi not in my cards for the day!  When low & behold...my house phone rings!  Again!  Now this is the most action this phone has had in months so I'm almost expecting it to explode!  This time it was my MA!  Who unfortunately I haven't really talked to in maybe a month!  We caught up for 2 hours & when we got off the phone my cell phone rang...I mean seriously when did I get so popular!  I've waited my whole life for this!  LOL It was my hubby calling to say goodnight before he went to sleep! Awe, isn't that sweet! 

Now here I am at 9pm still haven't had dinner & just amazed & feeling so blessed!  This day that I thought was going to be horrible turned into a fantastic Tuesday filled with love & fellowship!  I am also thinking that maybe I should rethink the whole not being a phone talker thing! It was so nice to talk to people!  I was so worried about being bored & lonely today & I asked God to help me keep busy this morning & although it wasn't quite what I had in mind it was a very unboring, unlonely day!  Thank you, Jesus for answering my prayer this morning & keeping me busy in just the way I needed it!  Now to go find some dinner!  Hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday!

Be Blessed,

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day

Today I want to thank any & all Veteran's of the United States Military.  Being a military spouse I see the daily sacrifices that these men & women make & I am truly grateful.  I have known several people who gave their lives for our freedom. Yes our government is maybe a little messed up but it is because of our freedoms that it is so.  And I am not saying to fix it we need to remove our freedoms.  I am simply saying that we should see more of the good.  Because we are free we can protest & our government can argue with themselves & we can all have opinions.  It is because these men & women sacrifice their lives daily that no other country or extremist group is invading our land of the free & taking over.  They are defending it both home & abroad every single day.  

I do not think today is a happy day so I'm not going to say happy veterans day.  I believe that today more than anything is a day to reflect, appreciate & be thankful for your ability to choose.  Your ability to say whatever you want whenever you want to whomever you want to.  Your ability to protest ideas you do not agree with.  Your ability to listen to & watch whatever you want.  Your ability to be whatever you want to be.  The point is that you can choose.  And because of this ability I am truly grateful.  

To all of the veterans, those currently serving, those who have served & those who gave their lives for our abilities I say Thank You from the bottom of my heart.  

Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!

In honor of today I have discovered this wonderful ministry that helps veterans & those who have been forgotten & just need a little help to get back on their feet!  They are definitely on our donate to list for this year!

Check out this little video of one of Degage's veteran makeovers!!

Happy Monday, Lovies!!

P.S. the flag image was found on google images source unknown  :)