Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friends, Fun & Football

I am very excited about today! It is Saturday which means sleeping in for one thing.  I found out last night that my wonderful husband is going to start making his way back home to me today.  I have the beginnings of a new craft project strewn across my kitchen table (more on that later but I am very excited about it!).  Also, the thing I am probably the most excited for is going to hangout with some friends to watch football and eat pizza!

Normally hanging out with friends would be something I would just brush off as another day.  I would of course be excited about it but it has so much more meaning to me now in these last few weeks of being residents of the U.S..  I am so aware lately of all of the things that I am going to miss.  The things that we will not be doing(at least not for a little bit) that we have grown accustomed to here.  I am so much going to miss our evenings with my SIL & future BIL more than anything!  We get together usually at least once a week if not more than that.  It makes me sad and also so very grateful for our time together and in the last few years my SIL has grown to be one of my best friends!  I cherish these days that we get to spend time together!

I am so excited that Christy is going to be home tomorrow!  I have missed him so much even though he was only gone a few days this time!  Thinking about how much he has been away from home these last five years makes me so happy that we are leaving!  Now if we can just get some orders to get this show on the road!

Happy Football Day!  And I hope that you all cherish the moments you have with all of your loved ones as much as I do.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank a Vet Today!

Year after year this day becomes more and more meaningful to me.  As the wife of an Airmen I am familiar with the sacrifices our military members make each and every day.  This year the unit my husband works with loss several men and it is felt in this house everyday.  I am so grateful to those men who made the ultimate sacrifice for this Great Nation.  I am also grateful for all of our men and women serving this country both at home and abroad.  I am so grateful that many years ago my grandfathers, uncles, future brother-in-law and husband all made the choice to sacrifice their lives if needed to for our country.

I love that I have seen so many commercials from restaurants offering free meals to service members today! I know that everyone will be saying it and Facebooking it today and I love that for one day our military may get some extra acknowledgement.

This is where I am saying THANK YOU! For the daily sacrifice and the choice that you made and the faith and belief in this great country that you all so willingly defend!  Thank You and not just today but every single day.  Because everyday is Veteran's Day in my home.  Everyday our military fights and politics aside they fight!  Blood is spilled everyday and Soldiers & Airmen & Seamen come home everyday.  Thank you for everyday, every minute you serve. Thank you a million times over for if not for you I would not have the freedom to post this blog!

THANK YOU TO ALL VETERANS especially my Christy!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I have decided to start this blog so that our friends and family can keep up with us!

I hope that you subscribe to our posts and/or check in regularly!

Right now we have been told that we will be moving to Germany & that my husbands RNLT (Report No Later Than) date is December 15.  However, we are still stateside with no orders and a house full of unpacked goods!  We  still have a vehicle to get rid of and a house to rent out and doggies to send to their new homes!  So I guess it goes without saying that the next few weeks may be a little crazy in our house!

 I can not wait to go to Germany it has always been a dream of mine to live in a foreign country though I always thought it would be France or Italy!  I will be traveling to those countries quite a bit I hope!

 I also am very excited to see one of my best friends again!  We have been friends for about twenty years (OMG I've never done the math before!  That is way more than half of our lives) and is currently living in Germany as well!  We will be a few hours drive away from each other, but I can not wait to share some new cultural experiences with my dear friend!

So, as the countdown continues I will try to do my best to keep everyone updated on our happenings!

Be Blessed Ya'll!